
Daily Tweet: 1月15日のツイート

Netflixの「デヴィッド・レターマン: 今日のゲストは大スター」にオバマ前大統領が出演してて、おぉっとなった。話、面白い。感動もした。 http://ift.tt/2DfODQ9

posted at 00:31:42


posted at 02:46:35


posted at 02:49:49

I took these photos at Ossuary in Brno, Czech Republic. I printed out from home printer and made the design for PDF article. Very quiet and modern place. You see, death is inevitable. Every single one of us is going to die eventually, and there is nothi… ift.tt/2EHcGVr http://pic.twitter.com/sngMwevPPs

posted at 10:19:42

by via TOMAKI(@kujimakoto) - Twilog

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